A tool to assess diversity, inclusion and equity in STEM: the STEM DEI syllabi rubric
Date & Time
Friday, March 31, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Lissette Delgado-Cruzata

The lack of retention found among underrepresented minority STEM students that reflects on limited diversity of STEM graduating classes, is a challenge across the nation. One factor that can improve these outcomes is a shift from a traditional to a more inclusive pedagogy, which promotes the persistence of college students, promoting systemic change in the teaching of STEM disciplines by closing the gap between learners, educators and the content sources used in the classroom. The syllabus is a powerful pedagogical tool that can promote equity, diversity and inclusion in the STEM classroom, but assessing how our syllabi address these issues is not traditionally done in higher education. In this workshop we will share the content and implementation of a rubric designed to assess equity, diversity and inclusion practices within the syllabus. We will also discuss with participants how its implementation might improve their teaching and the engagement of STEM students.

Location Name
C205 (C-Level)
Session Type