In Fall 2022, we received CUNY Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) funding to support the establishment of an immersive, interdisciplinary, intercollegiate community college mentored undergraduate student research program. Our project, Jumpstarting the Black and Latine/x Emerging Scholar Pipeline, trained 11 Bronx Community and LaGuardia Community College Students in anti-racist research methodologies and ethics. In this session, we use critical endarkened/Black storytelling (Toliver, 2022) to share critical moments/incidents within the research mentorship experience. We center milestones that impacted our professional development (as intersectional Black community college faculty scholars), epistemologies, teaching praxis, job satisfaction, sense of belonging in academe, and healing from systemic racism in higher education (Bertrand Jones et. al, 2020; Griffin, 2013). We invite other BIPOC faculty to share their endarkened stories toward exploring the possibilities of sustainable restorative/action-oriented mentoring programs that decenter individualism, competition, and whitestream achievement oriented practices within CUNY.