Advocacy and Activism Through Self Care and Community Compassion
Date & Time
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Women – Challenges for Change Agents
Session Type

When was the last time that you focused on yourself? When balancing activism as well as workplace, personal, and creative demands, it is ever so important to focus on one's self in a positive and productive way. In this presentation, we will review ways that CUNY professionals can utilize self-care practices to optimize professional growth, to increase and sustain intrinsic motivation, and to experience joy while serving our community. Through daily gratitude, meditation exercises focused on relaxation, and intention setting, participants will practice and understand how important care for self really is. We will also discuss principles of positive psychology, community compassion, growth mindset, and realistic goal setting. At the end of this interactive workshop, participants will create one intention (or goal) toward self-care to bring forth in their everyday life and/or community