Latinx for Whom? Reflections Upon Gender Neutrality in Shaping (Our) Latina/o Identities
Date & Time
Friday, March 31, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Anahi Viladrich

This presentation will reflect on the recent incorporation of the term Latinx to illustrate the diversity of Latin American identities in the United States. Latinx has become an all-gender-inclusive label that embraces a rainbow of sexual/gender identities and, by the same token, calls attention to the injustices suffered by discriminated minorities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. The author will discuss the pros and cons of the term Latinx as replacement for others that represent Latinos/as in the U.S. Some detractors argue that the label Latinx, rather than being all inclusive, is gender erasing as it ignores the struggles of cis and transgender Latinas who have fought hard to be acknowledged within U.S. identity hierarchies. The presentation will end by offering concrete recommendations on how to use the term Latinx in research to properly reflect diverse Latino/a identities in the U.S. and overseas

Location Name
C201 (C-Level)
Session Type
Individual Paper