Wednesday, April 19, 2023

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Eastern

Bringing Equity and Inclusion into the Curriculum and Classroom with Dr. Goodman  

The Committee on Institutional Equity and Diversity (CIED) invites you to attend a workshop on “Create a Positive Learning Environment: Bringing Equity and Inclusion into our Curriculum and Classroom” on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 12:00 – 2:00 pm.   

This workshop continues the discussion from April 26, 2022, when a panel of faculty and students shared ideas on how to create a positive learning environment for marginalized populations, understand the effects of unconscious bias and micro-aggression on academic success, and discuss strategies to inform and build equity in student outcomes. This will be a hands-on experience, with audience members engaged in sharing, exchanging, and establishing small support groups for implementing an inclusive curriculum and classroom environment. 

 This event is open to all CUNY SPS students, faculty, and staff. If you have any questions about this workshop, please contact us at 
