Full Name
Carolyn Tavarez
Job Title
Speaker Bio
As a bi-lingual, bi-cultural therapist born and raised in NYC, Carol understands the complexities and ambitions faced by professionals, creatives and intellectuals alike. Trained at NYU’s Silver School of Social Work, Carol draws on professional expertise developed both in community settings, such as The Park Slope Center for Mental Health and Covenant House, as well as in the corporate world at Young & Rubicam. Framing therapy as essential to self-care and an opportunity for rapid personal growth, Carol draws on techniques across approaches including attachment theory, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as accelerated healing techniques, including EMDR and AEDP. New ways of being can be learned and practiced in the therapy room, but ultimately what really counts are the ways change plays out in your life moment by moment. She holds herself accountable each step of the way, while progressing as a team.