Opening Opportunities in the Post-Pandemic Freshman Classroom: Addressing Student Needs Through a Pedagogy of Care
Date & Time
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Pandemic; Student Concerns
Session Type

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on our students’ lives, mental health, and academic performance. The effects of the pandemic have been even more detrimental to students from minoritized communities, who have struggled with access to remote learning resources, food insecurity, housing, and financial instability. In this presentation, three instructors from the SEEK program at Queens College will discuss a pedagogy of care that allows us to create a classroom environment that is sensitive to our students’ post-pandemic struggles. We will also discuss the ways in which we have worked with our students to address learning setbacks and to create learning experiences that support their needs. We will focus specifically on three different areas: Engagement and motivation, fostering academic communities with technology, and scaffolding to address pandemic learning loss.