From Awareness to Action: Community-Based Learning Strategies for Destigmatization and Addressing Basic Needs Insecurities
Date & Time
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Student Concerns; CUNY Community Builders
Session Type

The workshop will provide in-depth frameworks for understanding the philosophy behind community-based experiential learning. This workshop will provide concrete methods for identifying community issues that affect students such as financial, food, safety, and housing insecurity in classrooms with student centered problem posing. The workshop will demonstrate the benefits of community-based experiential learning and how they can create empowering research assignments that improve students’ writing, confidence, and networking skills. The workshop will have four main topics: 1) the concept of community-based experiential learning (CBEL) 2) how it can be incorporated into the classroom, 3) how CBEL can be used for identifying social issues, the development of class consciousness, and effectively addressing social problems and 4) how faculty and students can be actors for social change. The workshop will include activities where participants can work individually or in small groups and then share their results with the main group.