UDL in an Everyday Classroom - Room L.61
Date & Time
Monday, May 13, 2024, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

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To have CUNY classrooms be a place where all students have an opportunity to succeed, the learning environment has to be accessible from the start. This begins with faculty and professors fostering an accepting and open-minded space. In an age where not everyone can access health services and mental health providers, students with invisible disabilities are left a stray. With the implementation of various UDL techniques by educators as an anchor to a CUNY class, students with disabilities, diagnosed or not, can access the classroom and the opportunities it provides. Building community among your peers and educators are one of the magical things that happen in higher education, and UDL accommodations can foster that community. In my proposed presentation, I will discuss how UDL will support all students in CUNY classrooms from the start, and a few ways we can begin to include these practices, as well as resources that we can use in order to pursue UDL further. Some of these resources are things I have come up on my own with my disabilities, and others are programs such as CAST that advocate for students with disabilities. With the application of UDL, graduation and retention rates are likely to go up, as well as connections and relationships that foster growth and intellectual development across a broad spectrum of knowledge and settings.